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The day tour cabin in Solund is called Sognesjøhytta and is located south of Hardbakke, near Hopsosen. Here you have a great view of Sognesjøen.

Where is Sognesjøhytta?

The day trip cabin Sognesjøhytta is located in the island municipality of Solund, farthest west in the sea. The tour starts from the municipal center Hardbakke.

How to get to the day trip cabin Sognesjøhytta?

If you come from the mainland, take the ferry that goes Rutledal - Rysjedalsvik - Krakhella. From Krakhella, it takes about half an hour to drive to Hardbakke. You can drive up to the sports park, which is right next to Solund Senter. From the sports park, you will find the path that goes to the day trip cabin

Season for the hike to Sognesjøhytta

The day trip cabin is open all year round, and it is therefore possible to go on the tour all year round. Pay attention and tread carefully when there is ice and snow on the ground.

Tour description to Sognesjøhytta

From the dream park, follow the gravel path until you come to an information sign. The path is in a beautiful conglomerate landscape with alternating rocks, bogs, heather and 16 beautiful segments with sherpas and stairs so that you can walk dry-shod over the wettest parts. In the area between the segments, it is still possible to get your socks wet if you do not tread carefully when the terrain is damp. In several places there is a good view in all directions.

The hike to Sognesjøhytta takes about 40 minutes in normal walking. If you go from Solund centre, you have to count around 1 hour on the hike.

Paddle to Sognesjøhytta

If you wish to paddle to Sognesjøhytta, you can park at Hardbakke harbor or Valen. In Valen, there is a universal ramp for the kayak. Near the day trip cabin is a small, sheltered, shallow wave where kayaks can easily be landed.

Facilities in the cabin

The cabin is equipped with books written in Norwegian, a fireplace, and electricity. There is also an outdoor toilet available nearby. Remember to bring your own wood if you want to light the fireplace. It is not possible to spend the night in the cabin


  • 6924 HARDBAKKE
57 74 30 00


  • 15m
  • Einfach (grün)
  • Kurze Wanderung (0,5-3 Std.)
  • Pfad
  • Ufergelände
  • Winter
  • Frühlingszeit
  • Herbst
  • Sommer

Wo ist Day trip cabin in Solund - Sognesjøhytta?