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In his youth, Helge Hummervoll had a dream of becoming a musician, but like so many other young hopefuls with big ambitions, that dream was never realised. All he achieved was to start up a couple of local basement bands, Mods and The September When, and of course they never made it out of that basement, although some people firmly believe that they occasionally still hear these amateur bands rehearsing when they walk past this... basement. But then, in 2023, something finally happened. Hummervoll, who had now become an adult and reliable citizen, went into the studio and recorded an entire album, "One of the lucky few." Eleven songs that, in terms of genre, lie somewhere between singer-songwriter pop and rock, and where his lyrics reflect on a life lived. His upbringing at "Øynå", his life as a musician, his "ladies" and his family are described with humour and sting, but also with love and sincerity.

Dagbladet's critic, Øyvind Rønning, wrote in his otherwise excellent review of the album that there was only one thing he didn't understand...

WHY the hell hadn't Hummervoll released his music earlier! Well, when you don't have anything to refer to other than the aforementioned "basement bands", you probably need a few years to manoeuvre yourself into taking the plunge into the world of music. "One of the lucky few" becomes "two of the lucky few" when Hummervoll embarks on an intimate concert tour in May with Vidar Løvstad, who in addition to playing on Hummervoll's album also has a lifetime of experience as a "string master" for countless other bands/artists/theatre productions etc. In addition to presenting the songs from the album, Hummervoll/Løvstad will also perform new songs from an upcoming album. It will be an evening of musical antics, chuckles and laughter at funny lyrics and stories that are brought to life in situations we can all recognise. But also lyrics for reflection, about family, children and existence itself, seen in the light of a life well spent and lived.


Doors open at 18.45 with sale of Violetas pizza.


It's not a long walk from Ogna station to Ogna Scene (15 minutes), but Ogna Scene's shuttle bus service picks up and drops off their fantastic audience members who are travelling to Ogna Scene at Ogna train station completely free of charge.

They arrange it so that those who take the train from Stavanger will be picked up at 18.50 (approx.). From Egersund at 19.36 (approx.).

They will also bring you to the station after the concert.

Ogna Scene wants to make it easy and comfortable for you.

NB. They only have one car... If there are many people to be driven, there may be a 5-10 minute wait.

Ogna Scene

Siehe alle Angebote des Ogna Scene


25. September:


  • Nordsjøvegen 4246
  • 4364 Sirevåg
+47 916 08 184

Wo ist Helge Hummervoll duo at Ogna Scene?