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A concert with Lewi Bergrud is an explosion of energy and unexpected surprises. Combined with a personal and genuine desire to convey hope, comfort and kindness, you'll find your hair standing on end and tears rolling down your cheeks, leaving you with a genuinely blissful experience that can't be described in words.

For Lewi, a music-filled home and the happy prayer house environment became an invaluable starting point for a further career in the music and communication industry. Lewi is a musician and artist in the true sense of the word. He is a sought-after studio musician who appears on a number of albums, TV programmes, commercials and on tour with the biggest artists at countless festivals.

Today, Lewi is also a sought-after solo artist who performs on small and large stages at home and abroad. Regardless of whether the venue is a stadium, concert hall, church or pub, he is able to create an intimate and unpretentious atmosphere. As if the audience were guests in his own living room.

Lewis' greatest motivation with his music is to create small and large moments that touch the concertgoers' souls. He shares his thoughts on the big themes in life, with music as an invaluable tool.

Welcome to the concert!


Doors open at 18.45 with Violetas pizza on sale.


It's not a long walk from Ogna station to Ogna Scene (15 min) but with Ogna Scene's Shuttle bus service, they pick up and drop off their fantastic audience members who are going to Ogna Scene at Ogna train station completely free of charge.

They arrange it so that those who take the train from Stavanger will be picked up at 18.50 (approx.). From Egersund at 19.36 (approx.).

They will also bring you to the station after the concert.

Ogna Scene wants to make it easy and comfortable for you.

NB. They only have one car... If there are many people to be driven, there may be a 5-10 minute wait.

Ogna Scene

Siehe alle Angebote des Ogna Scene


26. September:


  • Nordsjøvegen 4246
  • 4364 Sirevåg
+47 916 08 184

Wo ist Lewi med band at Ogna Scene?