Zum Hauptinhalt

With our backs against the mainland, as far west as you can go off the west coast of Romsdal lays Ona, Norway´s southernmost genuine fishing station. Here you´ll find ´To runde pinner´; one of the smallest yarn shops in Norway.

The yarn shop has also become a gathering place on the island, and you can come have a coffee and a nice chat. With only 17 residents on the island, the customers will mainly be tourists. In our shop we sell yarn from Du store alpakka, Rauma ullvarefabrikk and Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk. You may also buy products from Halås Gardsutsalg, such as spices, yam, syrups and more.

We also sell knit products made by us and if you want us to knit something for you we will be delighted to help. We have also designed a sweater, and the elements in the pattern got symbols from Ona - the lighthouse, seagulls, and fish nets. You can buy pattern and yarn packages from us or order a finished sweater. 

Once a year we arrange a knitting weekend here. We gather in our public hall, Stormly, where we also serve home made food to our guests. We also plan to arrange knitting weekends throughout the year.  This will be offered to smaller groups. The focus will be recreation, lectures, knitting and having a nice time together.



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  • Onagarden
  • 6483 ONA
988 74 083


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Wo ist Garngeschäft To runde pinner og Glade kopper