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What does one think when the worst experience they’ve had may have led to a better life?

In 1988, Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein decided to end the Kurds' desire for independence, leading to a genocide that killed hundreds of thousands and displaced many more. Among those who fled Kurdistan for a better life were Izzat and Ramzia Mehidi with their five children.

As if the transition from Kurdistan to Mysen in Østfold wasn't difficult enough, they now have to live with the fact that the result of their escape has become the subject of their son's comedy. This is both a way to remember what happened and to process it.

Et Takkebrev Til Saddam is Galvan’s first solo show, where he explores the contradictory feelings of both hating what happened and being grateful for the opportunities that came from it.

Galvan Mehidi has a long history in Norwegian media as a director, actor, and host. A few years ago, he ventured into stand-up and has quickly become one of the most active comedians on the Norwegian scene.

Duration: 70-80 minutes
Age limit: 18 years

Note: Row 7 in the gallery has elevated seats, which are not suitable for those with mobility issues.



Hovedscenen Stavangeren (Stavanger)
March 06:
  • 19:30
  • 21:30


  • Vaisenhusgaten 37
  • 4012 Stavanger
+47 51 84 38 51

Where is Et takkebrev til Saddam - et soloshow av og med Galvan Mehidi