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Nuart was a street art festival organised annually in Stavanger. The art ranges from situationism, graffiti, post-graffiti, muralism, comic culture, stencil art and activism amongst many other things.

International recognition for street art in Stavanger and the surrounding area

It is without a doubt the most exciting development in visual art for decades. A "movement" that has caught the imagination of the general public, collectors, auction houses and curators the world over. The artists who attended the festival are among the most acclaimed and progressive public art practitioners in the world. The artworks still make a huge visual impact on Stavanger and the region. New additions to the art scene are still added.

World-class artists with artistic freedom

You can explore a series of exhibitions in the Stavanger region. Street art as a genre has developed significantly over the past few years, and Nuart was a leading festival on a world basis concerned with the task of identifying, promoting and presenting both pioneers and emerging talents within the scene. The festival was significant in placing the Stavanger region on the international street art map.

Explore the artwork through Google's universe

As an official Google Arts & Culture partner, Nuart has developed a universe where you can see the artwork and learn more about it before arrival at the destination. You can download the Google Arts & Culture app, or simply view several stories and presentations here on the Nuart Google Arts & Culture page.

Explore the street art in Stavanger and surroundings

Street artworks on a seahouse on a beach along the Jæren coastline, on several industrial buildings in eastern Stavanger or in the busiest shopping street of Sandnes.

Sleep and eat well while exploring street art

Grab a bite to eat at a café or restaurant in the eastern part of town. And once you've travelled the Sandnes Art Trail, check into the only street art hotel in the region!

Get more inspiration

Read about street art and other attractions in the Stavanger region.