Vintage and second-hand shops have a wide selection, and here you can find unique garments and products that few others have. By shopping second-hand, you help to slow down the overabundance of things, extend the life of things and also become a little more creative. Shopping second-hand is good for both the environment and your wallet - it's a win-win situation.
- Krimz Kramz
- Nichos Cafe (2etg)
- NMS Gjenbruk
- NF Gjenbruk
- Strandgaten Brukthandel
- Fretex Raglamyr
- Skattkammeret (Free hire of sports and leisure equipment)
- Affi Bruktbutikk
- Ian Hatfield & Son Antikviteter
- Klar Hensikt Seconhand
- Ataraxia Vintage
- Det Gule Hus i Haugesund
- NLM Gjenbruk Karmøy
- ABR bruktbutikk Åkra
- ABR bruktbutikk Avaldsnes
- Serenity - M.G Kopervik
- EFA Stiftlesen - Åkra
- ABR Brukthandel Skudeneshavn
- Brukthandel Blå Kors - Kontaktstuå Skudeneshavn
- Det Gule Hus Åkrehamn
- Etne Bruktbu
- Etne Miljøstasjon (Treasure trove where customers can pick up items left by others for free)
- Galleri Normisjon på Aksdal Senter
- Toraneset miljøpark (Treasure trove where customers can pick up items left by others for free)