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Bynuten is located in the east of Sandnes, and if you hike to the top of the 671 metre high summit, you can see all the way to Stavanger in clear weather. After the parking place by rv. 508 between Høle and Oltedal, follow the construction road. This road, "Lysevegen", is followed for half an hour. Signs show in the terrain on the left side of Trodlabergtjørn, where both the fishing and swimming possibilities are great. This area offers free (rod) fishing, and for many, it may be nice enough to try the fish luck in here. Then you continue east to Storatjørn, continuing up to a small water where the trail is best on the right. Then go upward, hold hard to the left and get up on the mountain. Great view from the top - in all directions! The return hike goes along the same track. 

Route: Starting point marked on info board. About 11.5 km round trip, 5-6 hours, marked. Responsibility for signage and labeling: Sandnes municipality. Height difference 370 metres. Mountainous terrain. Calculate well, it's a bit of walking in stone and scree terrain. Remember map and compass / GPS. 

Fishing: Free fishing in parts of Steintjørn, Aurelitjørna and Trodlabergtjørn.

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  • Seldalsheia
  • 4308 Sandnes
+47 51 84 02 00


  • Autumn
  • Summer
  • Spring
Total ascent:
  • 585m
Level of difficulty:
  • Challenging (red)
  • 11.7km
  • Daytrip (4-12h)
  • Path
  • Mountain area

Where is Bynuten?

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