The mountain area Edlandsfjellet is a popular hiking destination in Ålgård's vicinity. To reach the car park at the foot of the hill, take the Rv506 to Edland, then take the turning in to Neseveien, down to the forest Neseskogen. From here there are several marked trails. The landscape mostly consists of pastures, heathers, bogs and bare rock.
One of the well-known landmarks here is «Stemmen», a dam that was made to produce hydro electricity. The dam collapsed in 1919 and there are visible remains of it in the landscape. A new dam was later built to replace it.
It is possible to go on further to Nonsfjellet. Follow the trail to the left of the dam and south up Fannalidalen where there is a stone cairn at the top. If you want to go further, you can go on to Bursfjellet, just continue towards the southwest. Its also possible to go around lake Engjavatnet.