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The trip up starts from Preikestolen mountain cabin, and follows the path up through beautiful nature. The trip up is relatively easy, with some slightly more demanding parties. It is when you reach the plateau that you understand why so many people want to take the trip up. The views are spectacular and the hike up is worth the effort. The plateau is located 604 meters above the Lysefjord! Here you get the best of what Norway has to offer in the form of mountains and fjords. There is also a trip to the pulpit "off-track". This is a little more demanding, but also less crowded.

Who is the trip for?

The trip is suitable for people who are in good physical shape, and who have often hiked in the mountains before. The trip is approx. 8km round trip. We expect to use approx. 2-3h each way. The height difference from the starting point to the pulpit is 330m.

What do you have to take with you on the trip?

You must bring good clothes that are suitable in the high mountains, both warm clothes, windproof and waterproof. You must also wear suitable footwear for the trip, good mountain shoes or hiking shoes. You must bring your own packed lunch and drinks for the entire trip. This must be packed in a suitable bag for the trip, and must be carried yourself.

What does the trip include?

The trip includes guide, transport and snacks on the trip. The guide is well known in the area and has the necessary safety and first aid equipment.

If you have further questions, do not hesitate to get in touch!

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  • Lysefjorden Adventure AS,
  • 4079
  • Stavanger


  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Autumn
Guide available:

Where is Guided hike to Pulpit Rock Preikestolen?

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