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On the 11-kilometre cycling route between Bulandet and Værlandet, you’ll ride across a string of picturesque bridges. The landscape is breathtaking, and along the way, you’ll pass art installations, charming seaside cabins, and narrow straits. From the six bridges connecting the islands, you’ll enjoy stunning views of the sea and surrounding islets.

You can rent and return your bike at one of the Joker shops in Bulandet and Værlandet, making it possible to cycle one way or round trip. If you cycle directly, the journey between Bulandet and Værlandet takes approximately two hours.

Where are Bulandet and Værlandet?

Bulandet and Værlandet are island communities west of the municipal centre of Askvoll, in Askvoll Municipality. Take the ferry from Askvoll to Værlandet, or travel with the mail boat, which operates between Solund and Bulandet from mid-June to mid-August.

Where can I rent a bike in Bulandet and Værlandet?

The shops Joker Bulandet and Joker Værlandet are located at opposite ends of this beautiful archipelago. Joker Værlandet is easily accessible when arriving by ferry from Askvoll, while Joker Bulandet is conveniently located for those island hopping between Solund and Bulandet during the summer season. You can rent and return a bike at either shop, giving you the flexibility to cycle one way or round trip. It is recommended to reserve a bike in advance by calling your preferred rental location.

  • Værlandet Handel – Tel: +47 57 73 01 20
  • Joker Bulandet – Tel: +47 57 73 21 44

Can I stay overnight while island hopping by bike?

Yes, there are several accommodation options in Værlandet, Bulandet, and Solund. We recommend booking accommodation in advance and spreading your trip over several days. Start with a few days in Værlandet and Bulandet before taking the island-hopping boat to Solund for another memorable stay.

Can I go on a day trip from Bergen?

It is possible to go island hopping by bike as a day trip from Bergen. Tickets for the express boat can be purchased at or at Strandkaiterminalen in Bergen. Tickets for the mail boat can be booked here, while bus and ferry tickets are purchased onboard.

If you plan to bring your own bike on public transport, please note that space is very limited on the bus from Krakhella to Hardbakke.

For more information and reservations, contact the tourist information office at +47 57 74 30 00.

Please note:

The mail boat for island hopping operates only from mid-June to mid-August. For the rest of the year, the mail boat runs only within Solund. However, private bookings are available if you wish to arrange an island-hopping tour outside the regular season.

Read more about island hopping with the mail boat here.

Worth a visit:

  • Bulandet Theme Park
  • Halsøyhågen – viewpoint in Bulandet
  • Sculpture at Hillersøyhågen in Bulandet
  • Hamnaholmen
  • Gjørøylykta


  • 6987 Bulandet


  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Summer
View Point:
Guide available:

Where is Island Hopping by bike