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To the east, you’ll see the Lyseheiene mountains, and looking further out, you'll witness the Kjerag massif and a vast stretch of the Lysefjord. You also get an impressive view of the 27 hairpin bends that wind their way from Lysebotn up to Øygardstøl—a truly spectacular sight!

Description of the hike to Jenafjell

From Lysebotn, follow the paved Nilsebuveien road for about four kilometres into the valley, heading uphill on the northern side. Just below the Auklend and Tangen farms, you’ll find a hiking sign pointing towards Jenafjell. This marks the beginning of the trail. Initially, the route follows a gravel construction road, though you can choose to walk on paths alongside it. Keep an eye out for trail markers where the path veers off from the road and follows the power lines into the saddle between Jenafjell and Godliknuten. This is part of the historic Skinnvegen, an old road connecting Lysebotn and Setesdal. Continue on the trail toward Grautheller—parts of the path are steep and narrow.

Continue to the top to the landscape conservation area

The lower section of the valley is characterized by lush, mixed deciduous forest. As you ascend, the trail follows a saddle into steeper and rockier terrain. Once you reach the higher elevations, the mountain birch begins to dominate, and the hike becomes more gradual. The landscape opens up, revealing a small concrete pond, though the trail continues on the left side without crossing it. Further along, a sign directs you towards Jenafjell, leading you through marshy terrain with sparse vegetation. The summit is marked by a cairn, and the final section of the hike lies within the Setesdal Vesthei-Ryfylkeheiene landscape protection area. More information about Jenafjell.


The terrain can be steep and, at times, wet, so sturdy footwear is highly recommended. Rocks can become quite slippery in wet conditions. There are some nice swimming spots along the way, but since the river is regulated, caution is advised when taking a dip!

-> Read also: The Lysefjord: A Hiker’s Paradise


  • Jenafjell
  • 4127 Lysebotn
+47 51 84 02 00


  • Autumn
  • Summer
Total ascent:
  • 749m
Level of difficulty:
  • Challenging (red)
  • 15km
  • Daytrip (4-12h)
  • Path
  • Gravel
  • Mountain area

Where is Jenafjell in Lysebotn - hike