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The burial mound at Krosshaug dates from around 450 B.C. The chamber of the tomb is today opened up and you can clearly see where the burial site is. On top of the hill is a stone cross. When excavating the grave, they found the remains of a rich woman.

A rich, prehistoric site

  • Dysjane is located just north of Krosshaug. These are the remains of 16 house foundations around an oval yard with eight burial mounds. The collection of houses may have been the homes of several families, a small village with a common defence against external enemies. The area was in use from the birth of Christ and was abandoned approx. 400 AD, at the beginning of the migration period.
  • Tinghaug was a thingstead in older times. On the southwest side, 16 gold pieces have been found which are referred to as the "golden men". A total of 100 of these have been found throughout the Nordic region. The pieces are approx. 1 x 1 cm in size and two images of gods have been hammered in. The pieces probably have something to do with a fertility ritual, and it is presumably a picture of the Norse goddesses Frøy and Gerd.
  • Grønhaug is the name of the hill located northeast of Tinghaug with a monumental stone erected on top. In runes, it is written: "Lorange 1879". Lorange was the leader of the archaeological excavations at Tinghaug. The burial mound by the car park was excavated in 1886. Findings show that this was a woman's grave from approx. 200 AD.

Getting there

Access and parking at the highest point along Postvegen, the old main road between Øksnevad and Kåsen at Klepp. In several places in the terrain, there are information boards concerning other prehistoric findings you can see traces of in the area.


  • Postvegen
  • 4352 KLEPPE
51 42 98 00


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Where is Krosshaug?

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