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This is an exciting hiking opportunity that is specially adapted to meet various needs. Sherpa people from Nepal have paved the path with stones and built the stairs. The impressive stone structure is worth a visit in its own right. You will also get to enjoy a fantastic view of the mountains, fjords and the ocean.

Hiking description Digergubben (527 masl.) and Midsundhornet (483 masl.)

The hike to Digergubben starts in downtown in Midsund, right by the bridge that crosses the Bakkeelva which flows down from Midsundvatnet. The route takes you through steep terrain, however the stone steps makes this hike possible for many happy hikers. Now and then the stairs are a bit tall. Several places you will find nice stone benches where you can sit down, catch you breath and enjoy the view. From "Kumlokket" towards the Midsundvatnet lake, you will also meet some steep sections.

About 100 meters from the Midsund lake, the path devides. Continue to the left to reach Digergubben and take the right direction to reach Midsundhornet. To reach Digergubben you must continue over the small stone bridge is crossing a stream. Afterwards you will find the stairs continuing towards the top. The landscape flattens a bit before the last part with some steeper parts again the last 400 meters. 

Notes regarding cycling in the Sherpa stairs

Cycling is not recommended in the Sherpa stairs. The stairs are not designed for this type of use and stress load. Stones can loosen and cause dangerous situations for people using the stairs.

Dedicated volunteers have contributed to making the mountain accessible with Sherpa stairs. They want the stairs to be used for hiking and not activities that can lead to repair work. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


The is a small parking place by the starting point of the hike. From here you can also see a sign indicating alternative parking areas (P) in the nearby area.

Stay overnight in Norway's most amazing hammock park when you're at Digergubben!

These are the four Midsund stairs

The Midsund stairs consist of four hiking trails where parts of the trails are arranged with stone stairs by Sherpas from Nepal - an impressive work that will be a joy for hundreds of years. The building with the stairs is worth the trip, in addition you get a fantastic view to the mountains, fjord, sea and the horizon.

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  • 6475 MIDSUND
70 23 88 00


Total ascent:
  • 500m
  • 3.6km
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Autumn
Level of difficulty:
  • Medium (blue)
Guide available:

Where is Midsundtrappene - Hike to Digergubben and Midsundhornet