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Sogn Aqua AS has lifted the Sognefjord ashore into a 10,000 m2 pool in Ortnevika. Here the Glitne halibut is fed and cared for with great care by experienced breeders. They develop a very special relationship, the farmed halibut and the enthusiastic and experienced breeders in Sogn Aqua. Maybe not so strange when it takes four years from the 300-500 gram large flatfish are released into the giant pool in Ortnevika, until they have reached the slaughter weight of around five kilos. Most of the feeding in Western Norway's largest outdoor pool takes place automatically. But the halibut are hand-fed daily as well.

You will not believe it until you see it From pilot project and cautious start-up in Slantevika in 2010, Sogn Aqua AS is well on its way to turning land-based halibut production into industry. The change of gear came in 2016. At that time, the impressive onshore facility in Ortnevik was ready, and the use of fry was increased tenfold. In 2018, annual production approached 200 tonnes. In 2019, it must double. Within three years, the goal is an annual production of around 700 tonnes.

To get there: To get to Norway's largest land-based halibut farm, drive north from Bergen on E39, past the ferry berth in Oppedal and further into county road 8. Follow the road further over Ikjefjordsbrua and turn sharply left after the narrow Førsund bridge. Fylkesveg 92 is winding, but is worth the trip: You are greeted by a 10,000 square meter silver mirror, when the halibut farm reflects the low late winter sun.

Aqua Pioneers

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  • Sørsidevegen 2971
  • 5962 Bjordal

Where is Sogn Aqua - halibut farming