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In Sunnhordland, you’re never far from places where rock formations, landscapes and exhibitions promise both sights and insight.

You are warmly invited to discover the soul of Sunnhordland through our nature and culture, but tread carefully, leave no trace, shop locally and be prepared for our wild weather.

An unusually broad spectrum of volcanic geology, born from the Iapetus Ocean and compressed into the Caledonian orogeny, has shaped the culture and livelihoods on the north side of the Hardangerfjord for 10,000 years.

During the past 2.6 million years, thirty to forty ice ages have shaped our landscape. This history is particularly well told by the mountains, moraines and giant’s cauldrons to the south of the Hardangerfjord, but also by the fjord itself.

In cooperation with the academic communities at the University of Bergen and the Geological Survey of Norway, an application was submitted in autumn 2021 to join the UNESCO Global Geopark Network. The geopark will give new generations an insight into how landscapes have emerged and how the bedrock has formed our culture. The status UNESCO Global geopark was a fact in May 2023.

By visiting Geopark Sunnhordland you can learn more about the rock types, ice and cultural history that have shaped our region.

The visitor centres are as follows:

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  • Moster Amfi, Tora Mostrastongs veg 2
  • 5440 Mosterhamn
0047 959 25 054

Where is Sunnhordland UNESCO Global Geopark?