Utne: Utne-Skorane-Setehaug
Start: Utne Hotel
End: Setehaug
Parking: by Utne Church
Public transport: Local bus from Odda, ferry from Kinsarvik and Kvanndal. Expressboat from Norheimsund.
Marking: there is an information board with map by Utne Hotel
Difficulty: Intermediate.
Length: approximately 3 km.
Highest point: 480 masl.
Time: 1,5 hour.
Advice: Buy map With description at Utne Hotel or at the Hardanger Folk Museum.
Description: Moderately difficult trail in steep terrain to beautiful viewpoint. Take the main road from Utne Hotel to the fruit warehouse at Sletthagen, continue on the dirt road from the warehouse to a steep track leading to Setehaug.
Alternative: Utne Hotel- Kvistbu (shooting range)- Setehaug. Take the path/ drit road from Utne Hotel to the crossroads by the shooting range, continue on a steep track, crossing the dirt road, towards Setehaug. Alternatively take the dirt road to Bjønndalen, then the track north-westward joining the trail to Setehaug.