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Experience the spectacular Stegastein viewing platform with panoramic view 650 metres above Aurlandsfjord.

An unmissable sightseeing trip for any visitor to Flåm. Bus from Flåm via Aurland to the extraordinary and spectacular Stegastein Viewpoint. This structure, which juts out 30 metres from the mountainside, 650 metres above the fjord, offers an unparalleled panorama. A more amazing view of the fjord, mountains and surrounding landscape is hard to imagine. Book your bus ticket here

A sight to take your breath away and a perfect place for memorable holiday photos. Stegastein is one the most photographed viewpoints in the region.

The Stegastein Viewpoint is part of the National Tourist Road that runs from Aurland to Lærdal, popularly known as "The snow road". The viewpoint was designed by Todd Saunders and Tommie Wilhelmsen and was completed in 2006.

An audio guide is included in NO, EN, DE, ES, IT and FR.

Duration: 1,5 hour




Hashtag photos: #Norwaysbest


  • Flåm
  • 5743 Flåm
+47 57 63 14 00

Green certifications

Stegastein Viewpoint has received certification for its environmental efforts from:
  • MiljøfyrtårnMiljøfyrtårn
Environmental certification of private and public enterprises, also tourism.

Where is Stegastein Viewpoint