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1. Sogn og Fjordane Art Museum

Dive into the world of art at Sogn og Fjordane Art Museum, featuring diverse art exhibitions from both modern and classical artists. Explore unique creations and be inspired by the artistic richness of the region.

Fasade kunstmuseum
© Thomas Bickhardt / bickfoto

2. Huldefossen

Experience the power of nature at Huldefossen, an impressive waterfall hanging like a natural stage curtain. With an impressive drop of 92 meters, Huldefossen is among the most photographed waterfalls in Western Norway. Take a trip to Mo to witness the tremendous water force in summer.

foss, bygg, refleksjoner, tre, skog
© Visit Fjordkysten og Sunnfjord

3. Sunnfjord Museum

Right next to Huldefossen, you’ll find Sunnfjord Museum, where you can travel back in time and explore a diverse collection of historic farms and buildings. Beautifully located in Movika, the museum brings history to life through authentic artefacts and engaging exhibitions, offering insight into the rich cultural heritage of the region. The area also features scenic hiking trails, a kiosk, and a museum shop, making it a perfect outing for the whole family.

Gamle hus med gras på taket. Det er bjørketre rundt husa, og husa ligg nærme Eit vatn med fjella i bakgrunnen. Det er grønt gras rundt. Foto
© Visit Fjordkysten og Sunnfjord

4. Førdefestivalen

Join Førdefestivalen in July every year, Scandinavia's largest international folk music festival. This annual celebration of music, dance, and local cultural traditions allows you to experience the rich culture and lively atmosphere of the region.

Throughout the year, Førde offers a vibrant cultural scene with events for all tastes. The town hosts concerts, theatre performances, art exhibitions, and festivals, reflecting both local traditions and international influences.

Førdehuset is a key cultural venue, where you can experience everything from classical music to contemporary performing arts. In addition, local clubs and organisations arrange activities that bring the town to life and create engagement—no matter the season.

5. Førde: The City Among the Five Mountains

Every respectable city has a city mountain, and Førde has five! Put on your hiking boots and explore the five city mountains surrounding Førde; Hafstadfjellet, Viefjellet, Førdsnipa, Halbrendsnipa, and Eikåsnipa. These hikes not only offer fantastic views of fjords, glaciers, and mountains but also provide a sense of adventure.

Oversiktsbilde av Førde. Foto
© Visit FjordKysten

6. Shopping and Culinary Experiences

Many visit Førde to explore the region's largest shopping center between Ålesund and Bergen. Here, you'll find the best shopping selection in the region, with two large shopping centers in the city center. Shopping enthusiasts can enjoy exploring a diverse range of stores, offering everything you need. Førde also boasts a diverse selection of restaurants and cafes to cater to every taste.

ei dame står og ser utover til eit kjøpesenter frå eit anna kjøpesenter. bak kjøpesenterene er det ein topp med snø på
© Visit Fjordkysten og Sunnfjord

7. Førdehuset

Førdehuset is a cultural center with a wide range of activities, including a swimming pool with a slide, a library, Førde cinema, and a large sports hall. Whether you're interested in a relaxing day of reading, a movie outing, or an energetic swim, Førdehuset provides multiple options to make your day memorable, especially on a rainy day.

8. Dagsturhytta in Førde: Gytta

Invite the whole family to a trip to Dagsturhytta in Førde. After a steep but short hike, relax with your packed lunch and hot cocoa while listening to the crackling fireplace. Explore the varied selection of books from the cabin's library and enjoy the fantastic view of Førde city through the panoramic window. Let the little ones roam freely and explore the area or try the rope swings hanging from the trees. Dagsturhytta offers a relaxing break in the midst of nature for you and your family.

9. Vidsyn Viewpoint

Vidsyn is a stunning viewpoint in Førde, offering breathtaking panoramic views of fjords, mountains, and valleys. This modern viewpoint is not just a place to admire nature but also an artistic installation that enhances the experience of the landscape.

Designed by renowned artist Jan Freuchen, the installation takes the form of a large concrete circle, inviting visitors to sit and reflect on the surrounding nature. With its unique design, Vidsyn creates a harmonious fusion of art and nature, making it an ideal spot for both tourists and locals seeking tranquillity and inspiration.

ei dame står mellom ein kunstinstallasjon. bak installasjonen er det ein by. det er skygge i byen, medan det er sol på fjellet bak. det er snø på toppen av fjellet
© Visit Fjordkysten og Sunnfjord

10. Trail around Bekkjavatnet

Just outside Førde, explore the scenic trail around Bekkjavatnet, a 6 km route with partially prepared paths in flat terrain. Family-friendly and surrounded by beautiful nature, the route includes Hunsrasta, an outdoor area with a beach, camping space, fireplaces, tables, benches, a large lean-to, and toilets—all to provide you with a complete nature experience.

eit snødekt vatn med ein liten holme der det står 3 trær. rundt vatnet er det mange trær, og bak er eit høgt fjell med snø på
© Visit Fjordkysten og Sunnfjord

Find more inspiration for things to do in Førde and the surrounding area