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The journey into the valley follows a gravel road. For over 100 years, Innerdalshytta has welcomed mountain tourists. Innerdalen isn't just for experienced hikers. The manageable gravel road into the valley also makes it a great destination for families with children. From the parking lot in Nerdalen, it takes about 50-60 minutes to walk to Innerdalen, a hike suitable for all ages.

Starting point and tour description to Innerdalen

Drive along RV70 (between Kristiansund and Sunndalsøra, about 16 km from Sunndalsøra), turn off on the north side of the road at Ålvundeid and follow a small asphalt road inward to the Nerdalen parking lot (about 10 km). From the parking lot at Nerdalen/Innerdalen, a 3.5 km gravel road leads to Innerdalen. The road has some incline, occasionally steep, so allow plenty of time. From the parking lot to Innerdalen, it takes about 1 hour to walk, longer if you have children with you.

Accommodation in Innerdalen

Once inside the valley, you can visit both Renndølsetra and Innerdalshytta. Both are open in the summer, and you can either stay overnight or just buy a cup of coffee, a waffle, or dinner. Innerdalshytta (a serviced DNT cabin) and Renndølsetra offer full board accommodation, while the old cabin operated by Kristiansund and Nordmøre Tourist Association is self-service.

The landmark Innerdalstårnet

Innerdalstårnet, known from the Norwegian children's TV series "Blåfjell," is an iconic mountain in Innerdalen. Popular among mountaineers, this mountain can be climbed alone or with a guide. It offers a unique view of the valley and is a highlight for many visitors.


  • Innerdalen
  • 6620 ÅLVUNDEID
+47 70 23 88 00


  • Autumn
  • Summer
  • Spring
Level of difficulty:
  • Easy (green)
  • Short (0.5-3h)
  • 4km

Where is Hike to Innerdalen - the most beautiful valley in Norway